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Универзитетска библиотека "Светозар Марковић"
Univerzitetska biblioteka Svetozar Markovic



Milutin Milankovic

world famous scientist from Belgrade University

virtual exhibition



Emanuel Czuber

Emanuel Czuber was appointed rector in 1894/1895 and held this post until 1899, when at the age of 48 he was awarded the title Hofrat (or court counselor). He had to take a leave of absence due to health reasons in 1919, which meant that he would not give lectures until his retirement.
Czuber wrote many scientific papers. His field of scientific interest was broad: from pure mathematics and geometry to their applications. The majority of his work was marked by an ingenious manner of applying theoretical results in practice. Czuber had a special fondness for the area of applied mathematics concerned with the theory of chance. This interest dated back to the time when he was a teaching assistant of geodesy and had intensively studied errors of observation and the task of correcting these errors. During his professorship in Prague, he published several papers in geodesy and considered completely devoting himself to this scientific field. Later however he turned to scientific fields in which probability theory had manifold practical applications. In his scientific papers, but also in synthetic presentations of new areas of the study of probability, he set new standards for that time. While staying in Brenner, he wrote the work Theory of Observation Errors (1891). He fully scientifically developed this paper in Vienna. It had a profound influence on the report for the German Mathematical Society in the development of the probability theory and its applications (1899). He also published the comprehensive work Probability Calculations and Applications.

Citations of works of
Milutin Milankovic
Milankovic and the Danube

Последњи пут промењено: 25/11/2014 19:09

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