Milutin Milankovic

world famous scientist from Belgrade University

virtual exhibition


During the Second World War, Milankovic decided to write his biography entitled: Recollection, Experiences, and Vision. He wrote an exceptionally interesting book which shed light on the time in which he had lived and the people he met, as well as his life path and spiritual development.


''Once you have caught a big fish, the small fry becomes uninteresting. I worked for 25 years on my theory of insolation and when it was completed, I was left with nothing to do. I am too old to start working on a new theory, and theories of this magnitude don’t just grow on trees.''

''I know what I shall do during the German occupation. I shall write the history of my life and work. Someone would probably write this after my death, but probably wrongly.''

''In this work, I above all want to repay my debts. I have in my life come across some exceptionally noble and generous people, to whom I am indebted by their kindness, and I have either failed or not been able to repay them in equal measure''.


Citations of works of
Milutin Milankovic
Milankovic and the Danube