Reference collection in Professors' reading room



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II-59847 Encyclopedia of spectroscopy; Weinheim, 1995.
II-59848  Dictionary of gene technology; Weinheim, 1995.
III-181 Медицинска енциклопедија, 11 књ.; Загреб, 1959.
Ир 1111 Популарни медицински лексикон; Загреб, 1956.
Ир 1012 Worterbuch der Medizin, Berlin, 1956.
Ир 966 Lang's German-English medical dictionary; Philadelphia, 1932.
Ир 975 Hunnius, Curt: Pharmazeutisches wörterbuch; Berlin, 1955.
III-2638 Енциклопедија физичке културе, 2 књ.; Загреб, 1975.
II-13288 Encyclopedia of Sport Sciences and medicine; New york, 1971.
III-3088 Intern. encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Neurology,12 књ.; New York, 1977.
I-12571 Glossary of genetics; Amsterdam/London/New York, 1970.